
So,let'sdiscoverthestepsonhowtobackupphotosontheiPhonetothecomputer.Step1:ConnecttheiPhonewithPCviatheUSBcable.,WiththePhotosappandaUSBcable,youcantransferphotosandvideostoyourcomputer.Youcanalsomakeyourphotosavailableonallyourdeviceswith ...Allowaccessorytoconnect·UsingAirDrop·iTunestosync,SimplyconnectyouriPhonetotheMac,transferthephotostotheMac,andthentransferthemtotheWindowscomputerusingaU...

3 Methods to Backup Photos from iPhone to PC [2025]

So, let's discover the steps on how to backup photos on the iPhone to the computer. Step 1: Connect the iPhone with PC via the USB cable.

Transfer photos and videos from your iPhone or iPad to your Mac or ...

With the Photos app and a USB cable, you can transfer photos and videos to your computer. You can also make your photos available on all your devices with ... Allow accessory to connect · Using AirDrop · iTunes to sync

How To Transfer Photos From iPhone to Windows PC (2023 Update)

Simply connect your iPhone to the Mac, transfer the photos to the Mac, and then transfer them to the Windows computer using a USB drive or other methods.

How to transfer photos from iPhone to computer on a Windows PC?

Connect your iPhone to Windows PC via USB cable. After that, the device name appears in File Explorer. Double click the iPhone name and copy all ...

Say Cheese! 10 ways to transfer photos from iPhone to PC

You can transfer photos from your iPhone to your Windows PC using one of the CopyTrans Programs: CopyTrans Studio, CopyTrans Photo or CopyTrans ...

How to Transfer Photos from an iPhone to a PC

Transfer Photos Using the Cloud Make sure your photos are backed up on your phone. Open a web browser on your PC and search for either iCloud or Google Photos. Sign in to your account and navigate to your photo library. Locate and sele

How do you manage to transfer photos and video from iPhone to ...

On your iPhone go to Settings, go to Photos, and at the very bottom (at the “transfer to Mac or PC section) uncheck the Automatic option and ...


2個常規方案完成iPhone 相片傳到電腦 · 1. 打開iPhone上的“照片”應用,點擊“選擇”,然後選擇要發送的照片。 · 2. 點擊共享圖標>選擇郵件。 send photo using ...

Copy Photos from iPhone to PC (WINDOWS 11)

Want to have your iPhone photos stored safely on your PC Windows 11 computer to edit, backup, share and more? This is the video for you!